Club Membership

Membership of the Vauxhall Owners Club is available to all those interested in Vauxhall cars built between 1903 to 1957, whether an owner or not. If you have a car within the designated range you can join as a full member. The minimum age for membership is seventeen years. Those with just an interest can join the Vauxhall Owners Club as an associate member.

Flutenews – our monthly magazine

Named after the famous Flutes featured on all our Club cars, Flutenews is published every month and mailed around the world to members, and relevant motoring magazines and technical organisations.

The magazine covers events, technical reports, regular features, hints and advice, news of old Vauxhalls, members’ letters and sales & wanted advertisements.

What’s inside

  • Club Chatter
  • News & Views
  • Events
  • Spares
  • Cars for sale
  • and much more

The club produces a vehicle register of all the cars known to us. It is a valuable catalogue of the known surviving Vauxhall cars and as a member you will receive a free digital copy.


The Vauxhall Owners Club 1903-1957, caters for Vauxhall cars and Bedford car-derived vans manufactured from 1903 to the end of the E Series in 1957.


Details of future events and reports on shows we have attended.

Every year we hold an AGM and National Rally.


Our expert spares co-ordinator has a significant stock of spare and replacement parts which are available to full members. Due to the scarcity of spare and replacement parts, a member may only purchase parts appropriate to the vehicle they own. Please contact our spares co-ordinator by email

UK Membership

£5 joining fee then £30/annum by post
or £20 by Email

Overseas Membership

£5 joining fee then £25/annum

If you are unable to download the membership form please email